Lots of Facebook, but little Instagram
It is striking how “Facebook-heavy” is the social media presence of most companies. Clearly, Facebook is the undisputed number one when it comes to social networks, but above all, a 8andere) platform is greatly underestimated in the business world: Instagram.
With the exception of Facebook, there is nowhere near as much potential as on Instagram. If you do not believe that, you should only look at the average figures for the exposure values (also for “business” accounts).
However, of course, here too applies: nothing comes from nothing – and even trifles can decide on victory or defeat in Instagram marketing and buy instagram comments.
Much more than an app for lunch photos
Granted, you’re not the only one who associates Instagram with photos of young people on the beach or hipsters eating their lunch snacks. And of course, this is a smartphone app, which is primarily about the presentation of photos and videos.
But who says that you cannot use these things successfully for you? Because you can, if you get it right. The following 3 tips we’d like to share with you show you how to make your Instagram account successful.
Instagram Marketing Tip # 1: Be real
Of course you do not have the obligation in every industry to look young and hip to the outside world – and that’s not what it’s all about. The goal is to present yourself as you are. If you’re not young, not hip, not cool, that does not mean the Instagram cosmos is locking you out.
However, you should try to open yourself, make you tangible, to bring yourself the sympathy – combine your knowledge in the form of visuals and let take snapshots from your daily work. That’s you and Instagrammer want to see that.
Incidentally, this is the media by nature Instagram profile – just drop by and follows us if you feel like learning more about us and our work.
Instagram Marketing Tip # 2: Use hashtags
Hashtags should not help you in terms of image, but in terms of attention. For example, if you append #Coffee to a hashtag, any user searching for that hashtag is a potential visitor (and ideally a follower) of your account.
Of course, you have to think carefully about which hashtags make sense for you and your respective contribution. Trending hashtags can be a great way to do this – as well as your very own hashtags to link rows of pictures together or track larger-scale campaigns that place value on user-generated content, among other things.
You see: #Coffee was a (consciously) bad example
Instagram Marketing Tip # 3: Unlock Ads
As you may already know from Facebook, you can also advertise on Instagram – again, it’s about getting your Instagram profile noticed, generating new followers, and expanding your reach.
The conception of the advertisements takes place via the advertisement manager or power editor of Facebook. If you have created an ad here, one click is enough to play it on Instagram.
Social media and especially Instagram offers you and your company unlikely many opportunities to be perceived as an expert within your target group – but also in this seemingly so simple area, a lot of work, know-how and, above all, patience are required. You’re very unlikely to have six-digit followers after just four weeks. But that’s fine.